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Consultant Profile Help – Maintain Your References

We currently have open consulting positions and need you to complete your existing consultant profile with additional information so we can qualify you for the best assignment based on your strengths and skills.


Regardless of your current availability, please complete your profile so we can share future opportunities that may be of interest to you.


You can login to your consultant profile anytime by:

  1. Going to www.automation-tech.com.
  2. Selecting the Consultants Tab from the black menu bar.
  3. Selecting the Consultant Login link under the Consultants puzzle piece.

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see the following screen.  You can:


View Active Projects, Edit Personal Information, Edit Contact Information, Edit Professional Information, Edit Interview Question Responses, Edit References and Upload or View your Resume.


From the menu, please select the Edit References link to add or update your references.

The more information you provide to us by filling out:

*       Your REFERENCES

The easier it is for us to identify good opportunities for you.

Thank you for your interest in Automation Technologies Consulting, Inc.  We look forward to working with you in the future.



Computer Software Consulting

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Consultant Login




Automation Technologies Consulting, Inc.
980 Westwind Trace,
Hinckley, Ohio 44233
Phone: 330.278.2250 Fax: 206.350.4694

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